History & guests

History & guests

  • 1988, November 7 the opening of portable fastfood pavilion
  • 1995-1999 operation years of «Akropolis» restaurant
  • 1999, June 18 the opening of the 3-storey restaurant «Old Erivan»
  • 1999, June 23 the US Ambassador Michael Lemon's visit
  • 1990, July A meeting of official ambassadors in RA at «Old Erivan» restaurant by the lead of the US Ambassador Michael Lemon
  • 1990, July the visit of Arthur Gevorgyan, the assistant of the 2nd President of RA Robert Kocharyan
  • 1990, July the visit of the 2nd President of RA Robert Kocharyan
  • 2002, March the visit of Parliamentary delegations
  • 2002, March 20 A banquet with the participation of prominent representatives of Armenian culture. The day of «Old Erivan» foundation.
  • 2003, March 20 the official opening of the 5-storey building of «Old Erivan» with the participation of prominent representatives of Armenian culture
  • 2005 the wedding party of Charles Aznavour's grandson
  • 2006, September 30 the visit of the former President of France Jacques Chirac
  • 2009 the visit of the former President of Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev
  • The visit of Lyudmila Putina, the ex-wife of the Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin
  • The visit of the President of Bulgaria
  • The visit of the President of Greece
  • The visit of the President of Cyprus
  • The visit of the 1st Lady of RA President, Rita Sarkisyan
  • Russian-Armenian well-known businessman Levon Hayrapetyan's visit
  • The visit of Persian-Arenian businessman, public figure and a philanthropist Vahagn Hovnanian
  • The visit of Russia-based Armenian businessman Ruben Vardanyan
